
Well, it's Friday, and I,

Well, it's Friday, and I, for one, am glad.

Posted at 08:55:27


So, I never knew why

So, I never knew why some blogs had it set up such that the byline was a link to the same entry that you just read. Now I get it. That is the permanent link. Another web writer can easily find out where to link to if they want to refer readers to a particular entry. So now I have re-added that feature to this site. Call me enlightened.

Posted at 11:50:42

You might think that I'm

You might think that I'm procrastinating, but I'm not. No really, I'm really not. Seriously. If only I had more important things to do. Oh wait, I do.

Posted at 11:25:45

Question of the day: If

Question of the day: If you are going to have kids someday, on what day would you want them to be born?

Too close to the winter holidays and they might get gypped out of gifts. Over the summer and they don't get to celebrate their birthday with their school friends. What's the best day to be born?

Posted at 11:24:41

Well, we did it again

Well, we did it again last night. I'm talking about running, of course. So, that makes two days in a row. Sounds like a trend. I'm worried though because it is pretty nasty out today.

Have you ever felt that a particular moment is the start of something new? It isn't a new thing, but a new situation. Your thoughts, the weather, your clothing, your frame of mind, and the song to which you are listening all collide to bring you this feeling of newness and hope. I think I just had one of those.

Posted at 11:18:33


I always feel so much

I always feel so much better when I do something active. In other words, Kate and I went for a run last night and I think it's something that we're going to do on a regular basis. Well, at least we're going to try. Maybe now I won't be so winded when I climb the flights of stairs at work.

Posted at 08:40:44


Is it possible to wreak

Is it possible to wreak anything but havoc?

By the way, according to dictionary.com, "The past tense and past participle of wreak is wreaked, not wrought, which is an alternative past tense and past participle of work."

Posted at 14:29:37

It feels good when you

It feels good when you know you aren't the only one. My friend Joe sums up the way I've been feeling lately quite nicely.

I find that I get a lot more work done when I share an office with someone than when I don't share an office with someone. This realization was a suspicion for a long time and now it is proven. I have been feeling so unproductive (SORRY KIM) and it kills me. I used to be driven, right? And that was in school where things didn't really matter so much. Now that things matter a little bit more, I find myself disinterested. And you can't reason yourself out of a situation like that. It just happens.

So, now that I've been completely vague about everything, I'm going to go and get some work done. That's what I should do, right?

Posted at 09:00:57


So, how does one come

So, how does one come out of a festivity-filled weekend feeling more depressed than one started?

Friday: Went down to St. Mark's Alehouse to hang out with our friend Felicia, in from Chicago before school starts again. Drank some Bass. Listened to 18 songs picked by Sanjeevanee. Talked to Stacey about her future trip to Albuquerque. Felt very tired. Realized it was only 10 PM. Felt old. Then, Kate suggested going to Ace Bar to meet up with Tony. So, we did that and admired the vintage lunch boxes there. My friend Arthur pointed out the two lunch boxes that I had used as a kid and I vaguely remembered the designs. I remembered tracing my finger along the outline of all the characters on my Sesame Street lunchbox. Then, we managed to look downtrodden enough for Kate to proclaim that we could leave after she finished her next beer. When did I get so crotchety?

Saturday morning was splendid. The day began and we didn't know it because we were sleeping soundly. The sun was not out to wake us up and we were grateful. We left New York around 3 PM to be sure we made it down to the PA/DE border for a company outing. My boss organized an outing to a restaurant where they teach you how to make the food that you are eating. It was a fun and interesting evening. We got to see Justin and Trisanna perhaps for the last time before they leave for Singapore, although one can never be sure of these things. And of course it was great to see Goon, Jin Yeong, and all the others. Driving back was not so fun, but I had volunteered for the job. There was traffic at the George Washington Bridge. I love sitting in traffic at 2 AM. I kid you not. I am constantly amazed by the fact that THIS many people are awake and on the road at this time of night. There are small towns somewhere in the heart of America where this many people aren't even awake, never mind out and about. I imagine someone sitting in a dark living room with their television lighting up the room.

This one time it was something like 4 AM and I was driving Ben home from work and we took the FDR drive and traffic was completely stopped. We sat there for a few minutes and people were getting out of their cars. These hoodlums in the SUV next to us were blasting Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight," and singing along at the top of their lungs. It was one of those surreal moments. When traffic started moving again we realized that there had been some kind of accident involving a gunshot through a windshield.

Sunday morning was pretty relaxing. We were just sitting around waiting for the party to start. The party was a combination housewarming and birthday party. There was tons of food and lots of people I hadn't seen in a while. At some point during the party (I think it was after our birthday gift was opened), this depression overcame me and I didn't feel like doing anything but sitting in a comfortable chair and leaning back. I don't know where it came from, but it arrived and stuck until we were home and once again asleep.

On a side note, I finally bought some new music the other day. One of the CDs I bought was The White Stripes' White Blood Cells. I was prepared to not like it so much. In fact, I really didn't want to like it because I felt that I had missed the first rush of interest. Much to my chagrin, there are some good songs on this release. I especially like "Hotel Yorba" and "Fell in Love with a Girl."

And then there were boobs all over the place.

Posted at 10:26:55


Marc, I think what your

Marc, I think what your page is missing, which all good webpages have, are boob-references. Therefore I will happily fill this void for you. The bartender you speak of, while not so strong in the serving area, was very easy on the eyes. For those of you who missed this evening of loud music and fun, the bartender was wearing a shirt with a neckline down to her belly button. And every time she bent down to get some ice, it was a free-show for all. Hooray for 34B's! God's perfect creation.

So here's a random thought for you...Is *69 the trusty call return service that it used to be? Apparently not, because lately I've gotten a number of calls from angry people, insisting that I called their number and hung up. Why do they think this? Well, because they *69ed and my number came up. I did not call them. I do not know them. I hate them. Maybe I'll call Aunt Linda and talk to her about how much I hate them. Maybe she hates them too.

-Artie...Arthur to you

Posted at 08:37:42


Last night we saw Eddie's

Last night we saw Eddie's band (A+ Attitude) play at The Orange Bear. I was so very excited to see Eddie, but he didn't seem so excited to see me. I don't know what happened. The band was great. The band before theirs was not so good. And why is it that they are always the ones to have the volume up so high that you can't even think? The bartender was not good either. And the prices were outrageous. I waited forever at an empty bar to pay $12 for two Coronas.

As usual, since I saw my brother Nick last night, we accidentally met up on the subway this morning.

As I exited my subway car at Grand Central, who should be in front of me but John Jay Iselin. Should I have said hello? I don't think so.

I heard the thundering steps from above.
As I slowly rose through space I saw a strawberry smoothie floating down the stairs, in the hands of a man trying to reach the ground floor as quickly as possible.

I had lunch with my aunt. It was about to rain, but it didn't. We talked about how stupid some people are and how much we hate them.

And yes, I'm still trying to figure out how to design web pages that work in all the major browsers.

Posted at 15:36:30


Have you ever read something

Have you ever read something and thought, "I can do that; I can be that funny," but then you try to be that funny and you realize that you can't be that funny and all you can do is enjoy the humor?

Posted at 12:16:28

The other day we bought

The other day we bought paper for the photo printer we bought not too long ago. The photo printer is really cool and really small, though 4x6 is the largest picture size we can get out of it. In any case, we bought the pack of 100 sheets because buying in quantity worked out to be cheaper, as it usually does, except in the case of orange juice. Parenthetically, did you ever notice how the 3-quart container is always more expensive, per fluid ounce, than the half-gallon size? So anyway, I was thinking, "Yeah that'll be fine. 100 pages sounds good. We'll use them before they go bad." And only now do I realize that printer photo paper probably does not go bad. I was living in the past where photo paper had chemicals on it and age was a consideration. Silly me. Silly world.

Posted at 10:40:36


Jobim's Waters of March is

Jobim's Waters of March is possibly the best song ever written.

Posted at 15:59:37

Question of the day: If

Question of the day: If you brush your teeth and use mouthwash, which is the correct order... do you rinse before or after brushing?

Posted at 15:52:39


So how many people actually

So how many people actually do work while they are at work?

Posted at 16:47:15

After adding the random blog

After adding the random blog link to my site I realized that there are many bad weblogs out there. I think this one needs some work to get out of that category itself. Perhaps some interesting chatter or stories. Perhaps nobody is really interested in the truth anyway. Or perhaps they are too afraid to post the truth because it could get them in trouble. Or maybe there are just too many "real life" things to be doing that people really don't have time to sit around reading other people's blogs. Or maybe they do.

Today is Friday.
I forgot to bring a CD to work today.
I tried to go to the record store across the street to buy the new Beth Orton CD but it was closed this morning.
I forgot to go after lunch, as I had planned.
There is still an hour left of work and I must endure it in silence.

Posted at 15:56:59

This page is moving to

This page is moving to our very own website.
Smiles all around.


Posted at 10:29:27


I sat at home nearly

I sat at home nearly all day yesterday working on our new website, soon to be rolled out, and boy was it depressing. Working on the site wasn't depressing, just sitting at home was. But I'm not sure why. I was listening to music. I was sitting in the new and improved air-conditioned, half-empty living room.

Then I was really depressed when I decided to check, this morning, to see if the website worked in Netscape. It doesn't. Not even close. Now, should I even bother trying to make the page usable for the outdated browser?

I have been keeping a list of searches that brought people to this website. Some of the better ones are:
how to know if gossip is true
god's empty box
crying of lot 49 and acid
crazy shit
funky chairs
messenger hotmail address book birthday reminder
Nancy Apicella

Or maybe I should have just the searches having to do with kneesocks that brought people to this site:
kneesocks and fashion
fashion kneesocks
sexy kneesocks
kneesocks in fashion
kneesocks sexy
kneesocks fetish
over the kneesocks
fashion and kneesocks
all about kneesocks
kneesocks fashion
kneesocks page

So, I'm using my boss's office while she is away on vacation and it feels good to have my own personal space again. I can do things like updates weblogs that have been neglected.

Just a second ago I realized something. I have this problem where I always write depressing e-mail messages about my life. I noticed this problem as I was e-mailing friends after college. I would always make my life seem miserable when, in fact, I am a relatively happy person. And now I see the same trend when writing in this space. Think happy thoughts.

Enjoy the moment, for this is life.

Posted at 09:29:01


Love was born of Night

Love was born of Night and the unfathomable depth where death dwells (according to the Greeks).
Having one's own office is nice, even when someone else's stuff is in it.
Air conditioners can come back to life.
Using an air conditioner and a vacuum cleaner will most probably cause a circuit breaker to break its circuit.
Mornings are for delaying work until the afternoon.
Even after all this time it is still possible to miss someone.
People who are unhappy will always be unhappy, no matter what happens to them.
I have not been tired recently. Actually, I've only been tired when I am forced to talk to someone and don't have a thing to say.

Posted at 09:16:24