
Started the weekend out by

Started the weekend out by going to a party that I wasn't really excited about, although it turned out to be not so bad. I'm always surprised when Eddie seems so happy to see me. I like Eddie. And I'm glad he's happy to see me. I am happy to see him. So everything is just fine.

Then, of course, there are all the people who I know by name, but don't really know why I know them by name and don't really talk to them because they never seem like they have any desire to talk to me. And, I guess I really don't have any desire to talk to them.

It was Friday. Corona was my drink of choice.

Saturday morning my dad called me up in pain. He was in search of some sympathy and a ride to the oral surgeon. He had already ridden his bicycle to the dentist, since mom is away with her car and Nick took the other car to DC. So, the morning was spent in a doctor's office, waiting for my dad. It was not a problem.

We saw Minority Report, which was entertaining, but corny. And there was so much bad acting.

Sunday morning brunch. Kate and I were early. Tony was on time. Bill and Kieran were late. Although we were invited, we decided not to go to the leather fest.

We did wind up going to the Met. That's always a winner. We strolled through all of our favorite sections. We checked out the exhibits, which were very crowded.

Then we went over to Arthur's to watch the show on which he worked. And we got to chat and gossip and do all those mean things that I usually don't do, but was in the mood for last night.

Had trouble falling asleep. And now I'm tired. And lazy.

Posted at 16:11:51


Indecision, confusion, turmoil. Where will

Indecision, confusion, turmoil.
Where will we live?
Where will we work?
Where will we play?
Should I stay with my current company?
Should I switch to a bigger company?
Should I switch to a smaller company?
Where do we want to be?
What do we want to do?
And for how long?

As the results of my incomplete query fill the screen, I think about the future and how it is so uncertain for us. Is it more uncertain than it usually is, or do we just think that it is because we are self-centered? In any case, I can sit here and write this little blurb because my computer grinds away at its erroneous task and my office-mate has not yet arrived for his week of work. I do not feel guilty.

No truths today, just life.

Posted at 09:37:39


The last time I was

The last time I was in New Mexico, I was very young.
My aunt used to live out there in Albuquerque.
Now my other aunt lives out there.
We will visit her as part of this wedding extravaganza weekend.
The wedding is in Santa Fe.
Black tie optional.
I'm taking the option.
Looking forward to the fun.
And we get to have dinner at my great aunt's place, which I hear is real nice.
I love my Treo. Phone. Reminder. Address Book. Simple text messenger. It makes my life so easy... too easy.
The best search that has brought a person to this page: God's empty box.


Posted at 08:58:22