
Indecision, confusion, turmoil. Where will

Indecision, confusion, turmoil.
Where will we live?
Where will we work?
Where will we play?
Should I stay with my current company?
Should I switch to a bigger company?
Should I switch to a smaller company?
Where do we want to be?
What do we want to do?
And for how long?

As the results of my incomplete query fill the screen, I think about the future and how it is so uncertain for us. Is it more uncertain than it usually is, or do we just think that it is because we are self-centered? In any case, I can sit here and write this little blurb because my computer grinds away at its erroneous task and my office-mate has not yet arrived for his week of work. I do not feel guilty.

No truths today, just life.

Posted at 09:37:39