
I sat at home nearly

I sat at home nearly all day yesterday working on our new website, soon to be rolled out, and boy was it depressing. Working on the site wasn't depressing, just sitting at home was. But I'm not sure why. I was listening to music. I was sitting in the new and improved air-conditioned, half-empty living room.

Then I was really depressed when I decided to check, this morning, to see if the website worked in Netscape. It doesn't. Not even close. Now, should I even bother trying to make the page usable for the outdated browser?

I have been keeping a list of searches that brought people to this website. Some of the better ones are:
how to know if gossip is true
god's empty box
crying of lot 49 and acid
crazy shit
funky chairs
messenger hotmail address book birthday reminder
Nancy Apicella

Or maybe I should have just the searches having to do with kneesocks that brought people to this site:
kneesocks and fashion
fashion kneesocks
sexy kneesocks
kneesocks in fashion
kneesocks sexy
kneesocks fetish
over the kneesocks
fashion and kneesocks
all about kneesocks
kneesocks fashion
kneesocks page

So, I'm using my boss's office while she is away on vacation and it feels good to have my own personal space again. I can do things like updates weblogs that have been neglected.

Just a second ago I realized something. I have this problem where I always write depressing e-mail messages about my life. I noticed this problem as I was e-mailing friends after college. I would always make my life seem miserable when, in fact, I am a relatively happy person. And now I see the same trend when writing in this space. Think happy thoughts.

Enjoy the moment, for this is life.

Posted at 09:29:01