
For Elyse


Kudos to America's Next Top Model for not drawing out the ending over the next few weeks. Eliminating two out of three in one episode! Can you imagine? While I really respect that, I want to know why a show like Joe Millionaire stretches out it's finale into three or four weeks of recapping, but when you get to see hot chicks doing the fashion thing, they manage to cut it down to an hour of recap followed by an hour of the real deal.

Now don't go thinking we religiously watched this show. We didn't. In fact, I didn't even know which night of the week it was on. But, once you're parked at that channel, it's hard to stop watching. "Please, don't make me watch attractive women do the things that models do, like smile and pose nude."

Perhaps some other time I'll tell you about all the really productive things we do.

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