
The truth is, I have

The truth is, I have been undone by several recent occurrences. First, I am pressed for time at work. I am supposed to have a nice report and test protocol finished by last Friday (at the latest tomorrow), and things are not totally finished yet. I am disappointed in myself for not doing a bang-up job.

Second, I am upset at the television. In college, I got into the habit of not watching television. I continued the habit after college and didn't even have a television in my apartment for a little while. Now that we have cable, we're watching a lot more than in the past. It has all culminated into a minor interest in watching horrible shows like The Bachelorette and Joe Millionaire.

The Bachelorette: Why do we care who she ends up with? Why should all these guys vie for this girl's attention? She isn't all that great. And who couldn't tell that all Charlie cared about was winning the game. It was all about the competition, nothing to do with love. Maybe that's why he didn't win.

Joe Millionaire: This is the show that I despise. Why do I despise this show? Because it's stupid. It's a one-trick pony and the trick is stupid. A week or two ago we watched the episode that appeared to be the last one. Turns out that the whole hour was just a recap of the previous episode. Seriously. Nothing new.

The two-hour season finale was ridiculous. The first hour was garbage, especially since we hadn't seen the beginning of the season. The second hour was fluff. They stretched 5 minutes into an hour. And what is the big surprise? They gave the couple a million dollars. So what? Who's going to pay me back for all those hours of my life that I'll never get back? I deserve at least a little bit of that advertising money. it makes me so mad to think that I wasted free time on such garbage.

And they think I'm going to tune in next week when Zora and Evan are reunited. Yeah right! Hah! Double hah! I think I'll start a FOX boycott. But then I'd miss American Idol. After resenting the first season, though I didn't watch a single episode, I wouldn't have guessed that I would enjoy the show. I really do. It's a little silly also, but you do end up rooting for your favorites and they draw you into it a little bit. It's decent.

Then, on a whole different level, we've been watching the commercial-free first season of 24 on DVD (loaned to us by my brother). Now that is something to look forward to.

Does this blog have a reason for being? I'm not really sure. I think it's just a ramble.

Posted at 17:13:38