
All right, so I guess

All right, so I guess Arthur was right. I haven't posted since Monday. I guess I've been busy thinking about work these past few days. This week has been the week of, "Oh, we've got something planned for tonight? I had totally forgotten about it."

To sum up, work is really exciting right now because there is a deadline. I need real deadlines to work in my ultra-efficient mode (with a few minutes every few days to update weblogs). Plus, the end is in sight, so we'll be moving on to somewhere else soon. I'll keep all of y'all updated on that.

We ditched Tuesday night dinner at my parents because we had already committed to attend Kevin's birthday party at John's Pizzeria. We rescheduled that dinner for Thursday, which meant that we had to ditch plans with my cousin (and her husband and my god-daughter) for Thursday. Oh the busy lives we lead.

I found out Tuesday night that we were going to hang out with Tony on Wednesday night. So, he came way up to the Bronx (what a trooper), and we went to Giovanni's. It was good, as usual, but it seemed a much scarier walk than I ever remember it being. Walking around at night with someone who's "not from around here" changes your perspective on the way things look. All of the ugliness emerges and becomes so much more obvious to you. Or perhaps a walk underneath the el is never a beautiful thing.

In any case, we topped off the evening with dessert at the diner with Arthur and my brother, Nick. I hadn't seen Arthur since right after we got back from Puerto Rico. That's a long time considering he is temporarily moving to LA in a few weeks.

Now I will go and get breakfast.

And thanks to the Wednesday poster, whoever you are. I appreciate those random posts. That was the initial purpose of this weblog, so keep those "truths" coming. I, however, am perfect, so I can't really relate.

Posted at 08:47:45