
Yes, we did finally have

Yes, we did finally have dinner with my parents last night. Now I just hope that Jess & Ben aren't mad at us for canceling on them.

Yes, we do have a new MP3 player (a belated wedding gift) and yes, it is very cool. The only problem is getting our music from CD to MP3 form. It just takes a while with my laptop, it isn't a problem with the MP3 player. I decided to start with the CDs that I like, since it was decided that I would probably be taking it to work. However, this does not bode well with Kate, since we are taking a trip to her parents' place this weekend and plan to listen to music that is on the MP3 player as we drive. I still contend that there is enough overlap of what I like and what she likes that it will keep us busy for the whole ride. We'll see what happens.

Yes, we are taking a trip upstate this weekend. The original intent was to visit with my sister, but it seems that she isn't really going to be around this weekend. I guess she doesn't like us.

Yes, it is Friday and it does feel good. I left for work a little early today and riding the subway was so much easier than it usually is. I guess most people don't have to be at work by 8 AM. I don't think my body was forced to touch any other body the whole ride down.

But back to the MP3 player. We also got this little thingy at the store that I despise (Radio Shack). It plugs into your headphone jack and transmits an FM signal of the music that you are playing. This is good in a car so you can pick up the MP3 music on your car radio. Isn't that cool? Trust me, it is. And get this... it actually worked. In my experience, things bought at Radio Shack either break on the day that you buy them or the day after that. So, we made it through the first hurdle. I bought it yesterday and it was still working last night. We'll see what happens today.

Posted at 08:26:58