
As we prepare for our

As we prepare for our departure, and as I read this book filled with strange coincidences, and as my emotions are running high, I thought of a strange occurrence that I happened to witness.

One fine day, as the weather was getting warmer, I was walking to work in the morning. As I crossed Third Avenue (at 42nd Street), a man within the throng of people caught my eye. He had a surfboard under his arm and he was wearing a wetsuit. He was walking towards the west side and I was walking east. I thought about how funny this was and how I wished I had my camera to capture the man in the middle of rush hour walking with a surfboard among the businesspeople. Of course, actually having my camera would probably not have helped since it all happened so quickly, and yet the event is something out of the ordinary and as such, it stuck in my mind.

A few months later, as the weather was getting cooler, I was walking from work to catch the 6 train at Grand Central. As I crossed Third Avenue (at 42nd Street), the same man with the surfboard and wetsuit came towards me again. I'd like to think that he walked all the way to the west coast, had several killer days of surfing and then walked all the way back home. Actually, I can't think of a more logical explanation.

Posted at 08:34:59