
So I could definitely fill

So I could definitely fill a blog or two with rants about my festering anger with my old boss, the owner of the small consulting company at which I used to work. I can say I used to work there because yesterday was my last day. And even though I put in a bunch of overtime, I would never put it down on my timesheet because that would mean more money for him and I don't really want to give him any more money.

I could totally see myself just ripping into him on these pages, trying to explain how I feel so you, dear reader, would understand what I've been going through. You know what, I'm bigger than that. So, although my blood is still boiling (an expression which I never totally understood until I actually experienced it last week), I will refrain from spewing profanities through my fingertips.

I try to do right in my life. If someone doesn't agree with me, that's his problem, not mine. I am really excited about this whole new adventure and nobody could take that away from me. I'm nervous and excited. I trust that everything will work out, even if there is one bitter, selfish, misguided shell of a human out to get me.

I only hope I am able to show such restraint the next time I have to speak to that person on the phone.

Posted at 15:49:42