a hard know to think.

24 Apr 2004


First, sorry this is becoming a hard know to J. Available subject matter includes J, the weather, and what I had for breakfast, so enjoy the J stories.

Now onto the good news -- J slept in the crib last night! No longer can we refer to his bedroom as "J's walk-in closet." He ate at 11:30, then Marc swaddled him up and he passed out until 3. After he ate again, he actually went BACK to the crib without much trouble and slept until 7. This is really amazing, since we were convinced that he would be sleeping in the Magic Nana Chair until his legs were long enough that he could rock himself to sleep. Turns out if you let him eat amply, he doesn't give a damn where he's sleeping.

Now, if he could just figure out how to keep the pacifier in his mouth, we'd be all set. (Except for the poop -- there would still be poop.)

Posted at 11:20 AM in category in the family way.

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