a hard know to think.

08 Oct 2002

thinking in the naughts.

Have you ever signed a non-disclosure agreement? Do you remember the terms? How about a non-compete clause? I was recently handed a contract to read over for a friend, and it contained both. At my last job, I signed an agreement regarding the ownership of my intellectual property without thinking too much about it, and then pretty much forgot about the whole thing until I started reading stories of part-time writers being fired left and right for having weblogs with silly stories about their co-workers. As far as the non-compete clause goes, I think it's a pretty tough thing to require of an engineer. There's not much hope of advancement within the technical departments of many small companies, so people end up moving up by moving on. What do you think?

Posted at 2:21 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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