
Welcome to the Know.

My name is Kate. I am:

  1. A mom. My son J is nearing one year as of this writing.
  2. A wife. My husband is the brains behind this operation, coding away while I sketch on envelopes.
  3. A mess. A picture of our son was recently stolen from our website and claimed by someone else, and so I'm returning to the Internet reluctantly.
  4. A bully. He took the picture down after we threatened his manhood.
  5. A writer, a photographer, a recovering mechanical engineer, a cook, a waitress, a coach, a reader, and a shopper. At times all of these, and at times none. The Know is where I'll let you know what I am that day.

This site is my outlet; my connection between what I am and what I used to be. To give it up would have meant leaving something behind that I wasn't ready to live without. Call it what you will (some options: self-absorbed, my meager legacy, a brag book, etc.), but there's Know place like home.