
New J Pictures

Well, it appears that we did have a bunch of pictures in the archives. We're having problems with our camera right now. First, the battery doesn't last longer than half-a-minute. Second, it isn't transferring the pictures to the computer correctly. I reinstalled the application and it still doesn't work right. I managed to get them downloaded, but I think we're going to have problems in the future.

Anyway... Enjoy!


Erratic hand motions

Well, I think it's official now... J is waving. At first it just seemed a little random, but now it's much more consistent. Arm in the air. Hand moving back and forth. An alternate method is to rotate wrist with fingers fully stretched.

He has not yet mastered flipping people off.


The allure of the glow

When someone tells me that they have been reading my blog, my first thought is to try and remember if I have written anything bad about them. This happens even if I've never had a bad thought about that person (or people, as the case may be).

A few weekends ago, we attended a wedding. While eating dinner, I realized that pretty much everyone who reads this site was at the table. Later that same weekend, my parents made reference to my Top 100. Hmm... do my parents read here? Or did they hear about the list from some other family member? Does some other family member read here? Perhaps I'm not aware of all my faithful readers.

It can be easy to forget, as I'm typing away at my PC, that these things I'm writing can be read by anyone with access to a computer, anywhere they are connected to the Internet. I've known some other blogs to go down in flames once recognizing this fact. And I, too, put it out of my mind every once in a while.

Of course, every blogger dreams of eager readers, checking our pages every few hours, waiting for the next bit of knowledge we care to release. Perhaps we think those people are not our friends. We know our friends like us; we want strangers to like us too. We want those strangers to be amazed at our creativity, imagination, and insight.

My blog is probably just a way for my friends to keep track of what's going on in my life, and for them to be at least a little entertained by what I write. And you know, I'm fine with that.