
Not another dream

I was dreaming that I was trying on new pants. My hands were gliding over the material and I was trying to decide if the pants fit. Every once in a while my fingers would find a pin stuck into the pants. I pulled them out, surprised that there were pins and that there were so many of them. Then, I put my hand in my pocket and when I pulled it out, there were at least two dozen pins stuck in my hand. I started pulling them out.

Then I woke up. As you may have guessed. My hand was bent awkwardly underneath my head. When things like this happen, I have to wonder... Did I have the sensation first and then my mind made up a quick story to explain it? Or did the pants story suddenly morph into a pin story when I had the sensation?

Posted at 17:13:53 | TrackBack



Ever notice how "year's end" sounds like "Year Zen"?

Posted at 07:16:52 | TrackBack


Tough decisions

OK, now on to the fan mail.

This was not a routine "check-up" interview. This was an actual "I think I might want a permanent job" interview.

Why, you might ask, am I doing this?

I love owning my own company and being my own boss. We love living in this area. I'm not sure how much opportunity there is around here, after the work I'm doing dries up. Right now, there is one other place of which I am aware, at which I can do what I'm doing. If my current contract was not to be renewed, I could be out of work for a while or be forced to travel someplace I didn't necessarily want to go. Since our little family is going to be three in a few months, being stuck somewhere else doesn't really appeal to me. So, I guess it comes down to location and job security. I would definitely be sad to give up my independence, but it may be the best thing right now.

I had the interview. I haven't heard anything yet (and probably won't for a while). I have not made any decisions yet. I'll keep you all informed.

Posted at 07:32:23 | TrackBack



The Yankees are going to the World Series! Thank you Mariano for your three scoreless innings. Thank you Boone for your game-winning home run. Thank you Pedro for your hubris.

And then...

Aaron Boone: "Like Derek told me, 'The ghosts will show up eventually.'"

That's beautiful.

Posted at 00:28:52 | TrackBack


Gritty Dialogue

You know what we don't hear enough of these days...
"I'm gonna make you hurt so bad you'll wish you never met me."
"You mess with my brother, you mess with my whole family. We're gonna kill you."
"After I'm done with you, you'll wish you were never born."
"Get ready to meet your maker."

I see people on TV and in the movies say those things all the time, but I rarely get to say them. You'd think with me going to the gym it might come up a little more often, but I haven't heard it once.

Do your part and threaten someone today! Use whichever one applies.

Bonus: Extra points for saying it to a 72-year-old man before or after throwing him to the ground.

Posted at 16:28:14 | TrackBack


Did someone say ego?

I don't usually get to talk about how wonderful I am. Today I had an interview with the company at which I am currently consulting. It took me a few minutes to warm up to the panel, but I think I did a good job. Afterwards, I kept thinking of good stories that I should have told to answer some of their questions. Sometimes I just can't shut up about how great I am.

Posted at 14:26:05 | TrackBack


It's work-related

Just read this on the O'Reilly web site for Perl.

"The three principal virtues of a programmer are Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris."

And now I'm officially a geek for quoting O'Reilly.

Posted at 09:36:43 | TrackBack


Like a Virgin

It's true. I went to Starbucks tonight. It's true. I told the man behind the counter that I wanted a small coffee. He paused in confusion for a brief moment, mentally translating what I said into seattle-speak, and then got me my coffee. It's true. My wife made fun of me.

Posted at 23:19:27 | TrackBack


Lucky 200th Entry

I would like to take this time to thank Benjamin Yots for making me that CD of rare Weezer tracks. I am listening to it now and it is good.

Posted at 09:12:36 | TrackBack