
Keeping Quiet

The silence is finally broken. Now, what exactly are the rules for pregnancy beards?

And then...

It turns out that nobody else has ever heard of this. I thought that it was some kind of tradition for some men, if they desire, to grow a beard while their wives are pregnant. I don't know the reason for it, but I thought it might be a cool thing to do. If nobody else has heard of this, then I'll take credit for it.

Posted at 18:23:03 | TrackBack


Confusing Assignment

I prefer ODB to ODBC any day. Ah, what the hell am I talking about; to hell with the both of them.

Posted at 10:13:19 | TrackBack



Phew, it's tough going in my little blog ring. Nobody is writing anything. Everybody is writing nothing. For me, it's not for lack of ideas, it's just laziness.

Posted at 07:38:14 | TrackBack



The person in front of you in line at the supermarket has more than 12 items in the 12 items or fewer lane. What do you do?

Posted at 22:08:52 | TrackBack

Who would they get to replace me?

Wasn't it amazing that the music world found a replacement for Aaliyah so quickly? I don't keep right on top of these things, but it seems that Ashanti slipped into position right when Aaliyah's plane went down. Wasn't Aaliyah's nickname "baby girl"? Now I hear some playas pinnin' that name on Ashanti. Myself, I refer to Aaliyah as "Aa," and Ashanti as "A," to avoid any confusion.

Aaliyah forever, yo. Come back in one piece.

Posted at 16:15:53 | TrackBack


Cursed Memory

I thought of something really funny to write this morning, but now I've forgotten. You know, it probably wasn't all that funny anyway.

Posted at 08:38:21 | TrackBack


It's free... and broken

What is going on with Mapquest recently? I put in an address. The map comes up for a split second and then it brings me to another screen to enter the address again. Then sometimes, when I'm trying to get directions, it'll clear out both addresses and make me start all over again for no reason. Then sometimes, no matter where I'm trying to go, it'll give me directions to the Brooklyn Bridge. No wait... that's Eddie, not Mapquest.

Posted at 15:26:17 | TrackBack