
It's been a long however-long-it's-been

It's been a long however-long-it's-been and I am interested in it all ending. But when it ends, won't I be bored? Won't I be looking for things to do with myself? Staying at home on the weekend is going to seem like a lazy thing to do rather than the most productive. We will sit in front of a television and sit on furniture instead of the floor and we won't be doing anything else, like hammering nails or twisting screws. I guess we'll just be happy in each other's company. Not that we aren't already, but we're a bit distracted right now, or at least I am. So, here's to boredom and all that it offers.

Posted at 00:02:34


Man, I do love the

Man, I do love the weekend. It's time when I could get the things done that I haven't been able to do during the normal week. Work really takes it out of me recently. You know, it's all with the new job and actually working and everything. And the apartment still looks like a wreck. But that's what this weekend is for. We're cleaning up the wreck and getting ready for some furniture delivery next week. We've got to make room for the stuff we desperately need (a couch, a table, etc.) so we've got to empty those boxes and find a place for all of our stuff.

I have eaten way too much and we will soon be visiting our gym to help get rid of some of that fat that our bodies just don't need. Did you know that the body starts eating away at the muscle when you don't feed it? The muscle, not the fat! What a cruel world this is.

But alas, I have to get back to catching up on Joe's blog because if I don't, he's going to write another page and I will never be able to catch up.

Posted at 23:50:40


What time is it anyway?

What time is it anyway? Why does my laptop have the wrong time? It has been lagging as of late. Is there an easy fix for this?

Posted at 23:08:02

Things are so busy here.

Things are so busy here. Putting together furniture, entertaining our guest (Kate's mom), and working full days are tough on the psyche. However, we just got invited to a HOLIDAY PARTY! I am so very excited. It's sort of what I imagine it feels like to be accepted. We'll go and make witty conversation and have some deep, hearty laughter. It's going to be great, I just know it is.

In the meantime, it is so frickin' cold out, all of my body fluids have frozen. I thought I was going to die on the walk in to work today. The wind was incredible, worse than anything I could remember, and that includes that subzero day of skiing at Mont Sutton way back in who remembers when. I just remember riding the lift by myself, with the snot that had been running from my nose, now frozen in my nose. In any case, this is only relevant because of the crazy parking situation at work. They are very sensitive about it, but here is a quick explanation.

2 years ago:
There is not enough room for everyone. All of the contractors have to park in a far-away lot and walk to the plant. This is not so pleasant since there is no sidewalk, cars are zooming by, and you walk by these huge oil tanks.

A few days ago:
They have been expanding the normal parking lot to make room for everyone. In the meantime, everyone has to park in the far-away lot. There is lots of construction going on in that area. So, they have bus service from the parking lot to the plant. This is nice.

A few days from now:
The expanded parking lot is re-opening, but it is currently for employees only. Contractors still have to park in the far-away lot. The bus service will be cancelled. The contractors have to walk in the freezing cold, next to the construction, the oil tanks, and the zooming cars. This does not sound like much fun to me.

Also, it seems my accountant really does know what he's talking about. I suppose I have no choice but to trust him. Or maybe I can change accountants. It's not like I have a longstanding relationship with this guy.

We're still very much trying to get organized. I never want to see another box in my entire life.

Posted at 23:06:35