
I want to share my happy with everyone

The quick jury duty story:
Since Kate rolled her eyes when I asked her if she wanted to hear about the trial, I'll spare you from most of the details. Two cars collided. The person driving in the car that got hit claimed he was injured in the accident. He had pre-existing injuries, but his argument was that the injuries were exacerbated. We, the jury, didn't believe him. We did award him enough money to cover the emergency room visit from later that day, somewhere around $300, but they were asking for $50,000. I definitely feel that this guy wasted a lot of people's time. I want to bill him for my hours. However, I did make a few friends.

The quick crazy fact:
Kate is due in one month. Four weeks. They say that it is normal to give birth anywhere from two weeks before to two weeks after your due date. That means we could have a baby in two weeks. TWO WEEKS!

The quick observation:
Selling stuff on Ebay takes a lot of time and effort. However, you can sell a lot of stuff that you would think was garbage. TWO BIDS!

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