
Update Time

1) I have not heard about the job yet, but I get the feeling that I should know one way or the other pretty soon.

2) Kate is getting big and, I have to say, she is one hot pregnant woman!

3) I am full already and I haven't even had any turkey.

4) During the time we were trying to decide if we would play enough video games to justify buying a new game system, we bought a bunch more games for Kate's Playstation. I guess I was pretty much burnt out after finishing Tomb Raider because I hadn't played anything for months. Kate busted out Grand Theft Auto the other day and it has been on my mind ever since. I obsess. What can I say?

5) I'm going to try to like the holiday season this year. Not that I don't usually like it, but I don't really get excited about putting up decorations when in a few weeks you just have to take them back down again. But anyway, I'm going to try and enjoy it this year.

Posted at 14:13:36 | TrackBack