
I must confess... there have

I must confess... there have been discussions of this weblog outside of this little rectangular box.

I think... this is a great idea. But I suspect that the evolution of each of these truths has taken place mainly internally. I know I'm conditioning truths to make them true, and I'm doing it inside my head, and what I'm left with at the end is a somewhat bland boiled-down version of what I really wanted to say. Somewhat pleasing for me to read, because I've got the train of thought to get me through the night. But, I suspect, somewhat less-interesting for anyone not sitting on my lap right now waiting with baited breath to thought-evolve with me. And though I know you would all love to be here, you're not. And if this were my weblog, I would want it to be sort of an on-line salon substitute. Agreed?

So here's the outcome of the little covert discussion held off-line... I'm going to make a couple of pronouncements that are occasionally true, and let's discuss. But let's try not to boil anything so long that we lose all the flavor -- making sort of an al dente thought, if you will:

Life is hard. We're small and big all at once. We're stuck in a box of unknown dimensions, sometimes crammed in and sometimes lost in a vast empty space.

Kneesocks are never a wise fashion choice. Legs are like sausages; they should never be partially encased.

It is a person's social responsibility to never be wearing more clothing on their head than they wear on their ass.

New Jersey has cheap gas, no tax on clothing, good beach towns, lots of diners, and the kind of social tapestry that any good liberal would crave. And yet... there's something not quite right here.



Posted at 09:55:01