a hard know to think.

05 May 2003

kinda working.

It looks like I've got a new part-time job. I decided to examine my strengths and found my
a) rowing experience
b) lifelong clutzitude
c) nursery-school know-how
d) umm, engineering degree and ensuing experience
led me inevitably to a volunteer position helping coach high school rowers.

Well, all of that, and my belief that I'm destined to die drowning.

Now I'd like to find another part-time job to fill the rest of the hours. What can a reasonably employable girl do for 28 hours a week? Here's my current list of prospects:
2 bookstores
a craft store
a grocery-store
2 upscale grocery/delis
1 sporting goods store and 2 clothing stores I find myself frequenting at the mall
the mall photo processing place-slash-camera store

Incidentally, I find this entire process horribly depressing, and I feel like I'm making the complete transition back into the sixteen year old I once was, complete with allergies and springtime acne. The other girls are all talking prom dresses and I'm all tall and wearing sweatpants.

If you don't have any good ideas, could you at least throw me a bone and pay me a nice compliment?

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