a hard know to think.

30 Mar 2004

figure it out.

Thanks to the proliferation of comment spam, I've decided to stop including comments unless I decide they would really add to a post I've made. I'm sorry if this takes away from your experience at the know. Marc tried really hard to make it so that I could still have comments, and I think he succeeded, but I'm going to hold off on most posts anyway for a while. You can always use mail if you have something to say, even if it is just to try to convince me to turn comments on for a particular entry.

In the meantime, blame the comment spammers.

Posted at 8:35 AM

12 Jun 2003

get thee to your weblog.

I was thinking, just now, as I was cruising through the weblogs I usually read, about how great it would be if more people I know had weblogs. Hey, people I know -- remember back when Joe used to use his website for good and not evil? That was great. I started to think about how everybody who knows me in real life must feel about this weblog. I bet you wish I would write more often.

So how about it? You could cut down on the amount of e-mail you receive and send, since you will be ruling out those "what's new" and "here's what's new" messages. You have an easy audience -- me! You are (mostly) all more interesting than I am. Although I doubt any of you would have a story as interesting as this:

Two days ago there was a big flying bug in our apartment, and I was afraid to attempt killing it because I couldn't figure out how, we being sans-flyswatter, and so I just left it alone, and then, when I figured I could hit the bug with a magazine, I couldn't find the sucker. Yesterday I found it again, dead, in the bathroom light fixture.

You see how easy that was? I didn't even know what I was going to say when I typed, "Two days ago."

23 Apr 2003


Blogger, look out! Here comes TypePad!

Guardian article
Meanwhile, screenshots of new Blogger interface

As a beginner, I loved Blogger as much as the next girl, but if Movable Type had been an option from the start, I don't know if things would have gone the same way.

(via kottke.org and plasticbag.org)

02 Apr 2003

eyes: open.

Please welcome back, in a far more beautiful design than ever before seen here, artfully executed by my brilliant and handsome husband, for your pleasure and enjoyment, the color orange!

Welcome to a hard know to think., V. 3.00.

05 Mar 2003

pavlovian amazonian.

I never realized how frequently I consult Amazon until I promised I wouldn't visit my wishlist for the two weeks before my birthday. One week down, one to go (hint, hint).

Posted at 3:01 PM

12 Feb 2003

sorry, but.

The Valentine offer is off. If I know you, and trust you, you will probably still get one. I've been the victim of some internet creepiness lately, and I just don't feel very positive about sending notes d'amour to some stranger who could potentially be behind some things that made me feel severely not-so-good.

I hope everyone has a Valentine's Day that is not spent feeling not-so-good.

Posted at 9:57 AM

04 Feb 2003

my husband is an html god. oh, and something about cgi, too.

So, here we are, on Movable Type. Things are going to look wonky for a little while, as Marc and I (more Marc than I) continue to work out the details of this little technological wonder. And you thought all I was doing was cooking and knitting...

31 Jan 2003

but first, i'll sleep a while.

Tomorrow, I'll read a lot of this. And more of this. G'night.

Posted at 10:47 PM

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figure it out.
get thee to your weblog.
eyes: open.
pavlovian amazonian.
sorry, but.
my husband is an html god. oh, and something about cgi, too.
but first, i'll sleep a while.

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