a hard know to think.

08 Apr 2004

and what of the beard?

Expect more photos soon, including J's first bath at home (he was surprisingly calm, especially while we washed his hair) and his first walk (which he totally slept through).

As you'll see in those photos, the pregnancy beard is gone. Marc left the hospital for a couple of hours on Friday and took care of business. I have to admit, while I had grown fond of the beard, I was really happy to see his cute face again, particularly those dimples. The beard had really taken on a life of its own in those last few weeks. While he's not thrilled about having to shave again, I think he's happy that my mother has stopped calling him a lumberjack.

In related news, we discovered this morning that J has a dimple on his right cheek, which means that cheek-wise, Marc and I are neck-and-neck, genetically speaking.

Posted at 9:02 PM in category in the family way.

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