a hard know to think.

31 Mar 2004

don't get too excited.

I've been having mildly uncomfortable contractions for about 12 hours now. Nothing I couldn't sleep through, or talk through, or write a weblog entry through, so we haven't timed them (except for the first few) and we're treating today like a normal day -- Marc's at work, Mom's watching TV and racing through another book, and I'm about to have some cereal and sit on the couch for a few hours.

I'm mostly saying this because I know you're all watching to see what happens, and even I'm getting sick of the lack of progress. Also, if I should happen to give birth tomorrow, I want to have firmly established ahead of time that the declaration will not be an April Fools' Day joke. It will, however, be all Marc's fault, since he's the one who really wanted an April baby.

Posted at 10:05 AM in category in the family way.

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