a hard know to think.

29 Mar 2004

a little ridiculous.

Still no baby.

Last night I had a dream, though, that made me think today could be the day. I was lying in bed after my third or fourth pee of the night, thinking of relatives of ours who have died, and trying to think of the trait I most hoped for the baby to inherit from each of them. When I drifted off to sleep, I started dreaming about all of the people I'd just been imagining, plus some others I couldn't recognize, who were standing around a foggy hole about ten feet in diameter. They were passing around a bundle clearly representative of a baby, each sort of physically gesturing about the baby and reluctantly handing it on. My grandmother (my mother's mother) was first, and was obviously in charge, encouraging the others to follow suit. The last was Marc's grandfather (his mother's father), who was the most reluctant. I watched him hold the baby for a long time before he buried his face in the blanket and sort of cast the baby away in a swooping toss, toward the hole.

I've been hoping to dream about the baby for months, after reading an account of someone's child coming to them in a dream to declare the name they wanted, and I've had plenty of dreams that were baby-related, but they mostly involved parental incompetence on my part. This was the first time I woke up and thought, well now, that had some weight to it.

When I told Marc about the dream, he reminded me that yesterday was the two-year anniversary of his grandfather's death.

So, our dead relatives have apparently given their blessing, which leaves what? Nothing, I hope. Bring on the baby!

Posted at 7:38 AM in category in the family way.

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