a hard know to think.

05 Feb 2003


Sometimes, the best laid plans for coconut chicken can run awry. But the grilled cheese sandwiches were divine, and the chicken can wait for another night.

I had my first knitting class the other night, and discovered the whole knitting thing to be just as elitist as I suspected. Tell me, how can you in good scruples attend a Beginners' Knitting class when you've already knit a sweater? Sister, you belong down the hall.

We totally voted for Julia DeMato. Twice. Rock on, Connecticut!

The cold finally got to me, and we've booked a trip to the greater LA experience for early April.

Diane, if you're reading this, the cupcakes will be pink and they will be delicious.

Sorry, but I'm still not convinced that further inspection of Iraq isn't the best idea. The conversations were convincing, but if we can record them, why not intercept the movement?

I can safely say that the Yale hockey band is the loudest hockey band I've ever encountered.

Posted at 11:56 PM in category observantics.

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