a hard know to think.

27 Jun 2001

First, a moment of satori.

for tony... link to me and get your own!

tony hightower --
sing me another one, ace.
your rock band kicks ass.

I am a refresh machine.

Why, when I send an e-mail using my Hotmail account, do I always return to the Inbox screen and immediately hit refresh 3 or 4 times? I don't reply that quickly; I don't know why I expect others to do so. I do crave contact. E-mail fulfills me. I'm a natural born chatter. Got that from Mom. Seems I am particularly predisposed to this problem when said outgoing e-mail is directed at boys.

You are a refresh machine.

So, I added a separate page to list all of my archived entries, and I added permalinks (my stars, how things have changed... remember when I was archive-impaired!?) to all the entries (so you can link to one specific entry if you really love it and want to add it to your list of favorites or whatever, or if you just want to send it to your friends so you can all have a good laugh at how self-absorbed and monotonous I am, and idly chat about how if you had to talk to me instead of just read my blog you would go crazy because it is Hard to parse parenthetical phrases in real-life).

But the archive page only works once! At least for me, here at work. Yes, I am at work. I'm a bad employee. But I make up for non-productivity with extra hours. Lots and lots of extra hours. Anyway, go forward and then back from the archive index, and you get all kinds of a glimpse into the world of borrowed javascript and I'm working on that, I swear. But in the meantime, just hit refresh and all will be serene, okay? Good.

Three Blog Night.

While I was having at it, I intended to add a bunch more blogs to the links section (over there <--) but I haven't yet. Sometimes I like to blog surf. I recommend you try this. How it works is this: you start at your favorite blog, may I suggest the blog you are currently reading. Check it out, decide if you like the direction you're heading in. Be discerning. Everybody's got a voice but few can sing. When you find one you like, you find that blog's section of blog links, pick your next destination, then repeat. Before you know it, you'll be in China or something. You see what I mean? Go on, try it. I'll wait here. When you find something not dumb, come back and let me know. I've given you some good places to start.

... uh, actually, just e-mail me. Can't wait -- gotta go check Hotmail again.

Posted at 5:31 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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