a hard know to think.

29 Jun 2001


i dreamed last night i got on the boat to heaven
and by some chance i had brought my vice along

and there i stood

except i wasn't passing out whiskey, i was just passing out.


i don't want to be too optimistic, but i think we may just make this deadline after all. really. things are looking up. and really, this kind of month is what it is all about. we technical types (she says with feigned authority) thrive on this sort of pressure. i wish i could say that, standing around on the assembly floor, working out the details of just how to get those last few analyzers within spec, great minds all working in concert, the pressures of time and finance and reputation all bearing down, that i could say that this is what it's all about. that it is the struggle, not the victory; the voyage, not the arrival, but really, turns out it IS the ends that justify the means, and when everything works out in the end, i have to really stop and think, boy, i don't really enjoy this all that much. sure, i enjoyed the design work, and the drop testing was a blast as always, and i even didn't mind so much the hours and hours (and hours) of paperwork, but the bottom line is, i'm ready to move on to someplace other than here.

um, don't tell my boss. there's that other ends of these means, my paycheck, and i'm going to need to hang on to that for a while.


come to erik and eddie's party tomorrow night. 220A King St., Princeton, NJ 08540. There will be a keg and dancing and a very relieved and finally relaxed engineer there. seriously, you are invited. i guarantee it.

kvetch kvetch kvetch.

also, these blog entries should be getting a little more upbeat any day now. soon there will be much less talk about work, much more talk about all the great things with which i'm going to fill my time once i get my evenings back. fun things besides clean my house and row (two things i really need to do more of, soon). things like dan bern at fez, every tuesday in august. things like see tomb raider, memento, and the fast and the furious. things like replace the shocks on my car. great adventure. pool. getting my ass kicked on my bike. finishing history of the screw. reclaiming leisure -- you'll see, it will be great.

speaking of which,

mark your calendars. sunday, august 12. carnegie lake regatta. a wonderful day for all, just ask millie. $5 lunch with barbecue and rowers provide the potluck part. you are also invited to this. and you get to watch me row.

Posted at 4:29 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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