a hard know to think.

17 Aug 2001

intense peach.

As an engineer with a particular (some might say obsessive) fascination with consumer product packaging, I can't help but notice that breathmint and candy packaging has really come a long way in the last 6 months or so. Take, for example, Certs Coolmint Drops, packaged in a "stylish slide-top" box. The oversized flap has a half-circular cutout to allow a single mint to escape without having to actually open the package all the way. Or Certs' other packaging wonder, their Powerful Mints. They come in a superthin package about the size of two credit cards. The mints are probably poured into one half of the case, shaken flat, and I think the other half of the case is laid on top and ultrasonically welded into place. So cool. But the packaging that most appeals to the geek in me is that of Smint, the king of mint packaging (not to mention the kind of mints -- they're really good!). Check the website, there's an animation of the super cool distribution mechanism, which I think is sort of an internal, rotary version of Pez (the classic -- that's old-school candy popping!). And now, lo and behold, you can get Smint in the US! I stopped at Target at lunchtime today and picked up a pack of mint and a pack of Intense Peach vitamin C drops. Woohoo!

Posted at 1:59 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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