a hard know to think.

05 Sep 2001

i don't think that will be a problem.


Kate: Hello?
Evil Realtor: Kate, hi, it's Marlene. I've been trying to reach you! Have you gotten my messages?
K: Marlene, yeah, right, hi. Sorry, I've been in Japan.
ER: Oh, how nice!
K: Yeah, whatever. What's up?
ER: Well, I'm going to be the listing agent for your apartment, and I'm going to need a key, and I'll need to come do another walk-through as soon as possible.
K: Oh, my apartment is for sale?
ER: Oh, yes, and I need to know, if we needed to move someone else in there early, would that be a problem?
K: Excuse me?
ER: [pregnant pause] I mean, if, say, we gave you sixty days' notice, and we needed to get someone in there in, say, November, would that be okay with you?
K: [does not respond]
ER: Hello?
K: [pitch of voice slightly raised] Is this a joke? You can't be serious.
ER: Well, I mean, we would give you sixty days' notice.
K: November is fifty-seven days away, Marlene.
ER: Er, right, well, I mean, 60 days, within reason.
K: Well, what do you think the owner would say if I asked, "Can I move out early, thereby breaking the legal document we have each signed in the presence of a notary?"
ER: I don't think that would be a problem, if he could find another tenant to move in.
K: Okay, then, I don't think this would be a problem, if he can find me another apartment to live in.
ER: Oh, I don't think that will be a problem. I can find you an apartment.
K: Sure, for a thousand dollars a month.
ER: Oh, well, if that's your budget, you definitely won't have a problem.
K: Marlene, I have to go. What do you need from me?
ER: Well, just a key. Oh, and an appointment for the walk-through.
K: [sighs] When is good for you?
ER: Oh, just about any time...
K: How about Friday at 12:15?
ER: No, I can't come then.
K: Okay, then you'll have to wait until after next week. I'll be out of town.
ER: Oh, well, I suppose I could come Friday. Did you say 12:15?
K: Yes.
ER: Can we make it 12:25?
K: [loud sigh] No. I will be there at 12:15, and I need to leave at 12:25.
ER: Um, okay then.
K: Bye Marlene. [hangs up]


Posted at 1:43 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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