a hard know to think.

18 Oct 2001

my kick-ass stereo.

I've always had a somewhat crappy stereo, until recently. My car was always where I did the most intense listening, anyway. But now that I have something much, um, louder... I've been using it to torment my friends and neighbors. For example, my realtor was just here (why yes! it *is* 7:30 at night. focker.) to put the lockbox back on the door, and so I treated her to a Volume-Level-22 rendition of Tony Hightower's Infomaniac. That's Volume-Level-22 with the GROOVE button depressed, oh yes. Now I'm onto the second disc of the evening (which, truthfully, I'm about to shut off so I can go watch Survivor), and it's still cranked up, and Cake's Frank Sinatra sounds so good I could have sworn there was someone outside the window yelling at me. Turns out there's some shouting background vocals on there. Who knew? Can't hear that over the rotary, you know. Rock on, ya-yas.

Posted at 7:56 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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