a hard know to think.

16 Jan 2002

And, the inevitable follow-up e-mail...

Sorry, but You Know You're From The Capital District When...

1. You refer to downtown Albany as "The City".
2. You explain to your friends from out-of-town that nobody actually calls it the Thaddeus Kosiusko Bridge.
3. You understand how people can say they live in Clifton Park when their mailing address is Halfmoon.
4. You know enough to avoid any vehicle on the Northway with Canadian plates.
5. You know that Mason & Sheehan isn't a cheap Champagne.
6. You know who that guy Ken Goewey is. You may even actually know Ken Goewey.
7. You await the opening of Jumpin' Jacks & Kurver Kreme every year.
8. There's a mini-mall every 1/4 mile; if not, you're in Vermont.
9. You think every place has a Central Avenue and Wolf Road.
10. You know Arbor Hill and Hamilton Hill aren't clothing designers.
11. It's SODA dammit! And people who call it POP make you want to slap them.
12. You don't consider what Domino's or Pizza Hut sells to be Pizza.
13. You know that 'First Night' isn't a Sean Connery movie.
14. You aren't freaked out when you see the GE sign lit up at XMAS.
15. You know that AirTite Windows knocked RESNICK's sign down.
16. You still sometimes call it the "Knick" instead of the "Pepsi".
17. You know who Nina (of Manchester) and her husband are, AND how they sell diamonds for less than 33%.
18. Everybody likes Jack Byrne, but Terry Morris is STILL number one.
19. The Egg: It isn't just for breakfast anymore.
20. There's no such thing as waiting for the left turn arrow at an intersection.
21. You can feed a family of 12 at Ralph's for under $50.
22. There is a college (Russell Sage) that specializes in a MRS degree.
23. Your career ambition is to work for the State.
24. You thought Hoffman's Playland was the the BEST amusement park as a child.
25. You know a 'Tobin's First Prize' is something to eat and not a contestwinner.
26. While driving down Loudonville Road, you know what it means to make a right turn at 'the dog'.
27. You know that the 'the Berkshire Spur' isn't a foot ailment, and you may have been to a prom at the old rest stop there.
28. The big thing in the summertime is the 'Jericho'.
29. Grandma's Pies weren't made by your momma's momma.
30. With even the slightest threat of snow, you know that Ichabod Crane school is closed.
31. No matter how many times they change their name, the ice cream place on Albany Shaker will always be 'Jim Dandy's'. And the one on Columbia Turnpike will always be Vigor's.
32. You know there's nothing International about our airport.
33. You know how to say AND spell 'Schenectady' and 'Rensselaer'.
34. You know not to drink the water at the Washington County Fair.
35. You're noticed that the Channel 10 5:00pm anchors don't seem to worry about the camera adding 10 pounds.
36. Live at 5 is dead by 6.
37. You can answer this question: "What color Orange Ford do you own?"
38. You understand the importance of Denny's to one's social life.
39. You've called it Smallbany, Nonebany, or Fallbany.
40. You took you mother to the Tulip Festival for Mother's Day.

Posted at 4:29 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


Ha! saw this...

We used to wait for Kurver's to open. not anymore though...

Posted by: Texasyankee on 24 Mar 2003 at 7:37 PM

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