a hard know to think.

08 Feb 2002


The wedding rings arrived on Wednesday. They are absolutely great. The box was delivered to work and I wasn't allowed to open it until Marc got here. I picked him up at the train station and we didn't even make it out of the parking lot before he ripped the box open.

So, oh yeah. I designed them. I'm not so big on revealing these sickening personal details here, but the design is based on rings that we bought at the flea market near Tower Records in 1994. One of the times we "broke up" (this statement has now thoroughly earned its punctuation), my ring split along the seam. Tragic. That seam is now a relic of a former design, so to speak. I don't have a picture of the final products yet, but you can see the design and a prototype if you follow that link. The actual rings look a lot like the prototype, but the texturing on the cut surfaces is a lot smoother (though still somewhat matte-looking).

Things are just overwhelmingly good lately. The invitations are done. I had major headpiece inspiration late Tuesday night after hitting bead stores in the Garment District last Friday... oh, and there's the head-over-heels-in-love thing, too. The rushing-off-to-the-Bronx-again thing. The thirty-one-lovey-dovey-e-mails-a-day thing. The... never mind. You get it, right?

Posted at 10:30 AM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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