a hard know to think.

11 Mar 2002

showered in estrogen.

For a girl like me, being in a room with 30 women is a little much. But wow, yesterday it happened and a half. There was a shower, and lots of women, and lots of presents, and embarrassing games. I have the best girlfriends ever. And a new black feather boa, and a new grill pan. And any day that ends like that can't be bad. And the other days recently haven't been so bad either!! On Saturday I had my final fitting and Diane and Max bustled me and unbustled me. And bustled. And unbustled. I sat, and danced. They bustled, and unbustled, and then, finally, I took the dress off for the second to last time ever.

This morning, trying to pack up the car, I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that all of the interior volume of an RX-7 is less than the trunk volume of a Lincoln Continental. Which means if you're driving a Continental, you're driving a regular car with an RX-7 tacked on the back. Boaty!

Posted at 3:17 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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