a hard know to think.

03 Jun 2002

a bronx weekend.

On Friday night Marc and I went to see his god-daughter. She's rapidly approaching 2 and is just amazing. Chasing her around, teaching her new words, even just having her cuddle up in my lap while she falls asleep is enough to make me want to start a family. We're in no rush, though. We've been starting to think about moving out of the Bronx, and I'd hate to leave her (and her parents, and Marc's family) behind. Not to mention the fact that I'd really like to raise kids who are city-savvy. But living here brings up impracticalities that are just too prohibitive. And I'd also like to be closer to my own parents. So we're looking upstate. We were thinking of Rockland County, since then either one of us could easily commute for work, but the houses are absurdly overpriced. Maybe I'm being too fussy, but I think for the prices being asked, the siding on the front should all be the same color.

On Saturday we went to the zoo to see the baby animals. Are you sensing a theme for the weekend? It was not intentional. The hordes of screaming kids were enough to mute my motherly instincts. The strollers, the whining, the sheer expense of it all, and the requisite visit to the World of Darkness was enough to make me happy to be there as half of a party of TWO.

Saturday night we headed downtown for a night out with Marc's high school friends. His ex-girlfriend was there. We are going to her wedding in a few weeks and I spent most of the time there trying to figure out if I'd been duped into attending her quasi-bachelorette party. I still don't know. We were exhausted and left before there was a chance to find out.

Yesterday we drove around Rockland, effectively eliminating it as a destination, and then stopped off at Orchard Beach for a little bit of relaxation. Two things you will never hear at Orchard Beach: 1. I should really turn my radio down, and 2. No, I've never been to Puerto Rico. Excellent sample of Bronx culture.

Oh, and last night we went to Marc's friend Artie's place to watch his new show. He's a puppet wrangler, and a sometimes-puppeteer. It was pretty cool to watch with him. His interest in puppeteering stems from puppet shows he and Marc put on when they were young. His apartment is like a Sesame Street shrine. I wish I had pictures. It was unbelievable.

I don't know why I haven't been updating this page more frequently. I guess things are just slow without working, and I'm doubting whether I have anything worth saying these days. I've also been getting out and enjoying this neighborhood so much. I had my hair cut last week at a place called Hair Design 2000!. I've been meaning to go take pictures of the thousands (really!) of roses tripping my allergies and adding so much color to this already colorful landscape. Marc's working on a design for a domain we'll share. So, there is activity, and I've not degenerated into a boring lazy housewife, yet. I'll keep you updated.

Posted at 5:55 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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