a hard know to think.

07 Aug 2002

more about me, new and improved.

Here's some up-to-date info on me.

I'm no longer Kate Mac... As of April 6th, I'm Kate C.

I'm married to a super man.

I'm 26 years old (some would say I act like I'm 50, but most people tell me I look younger).

I started blogging in March, 2001, just two days after being dumped on my birthday, while I was working my ass off as a mechanical engineer, feeling fat and lazy, discovering that I had GERD, and trying to find something new that would make me feel... something. Well, something other than a dull ache in the pit of my stomach. I didn't write about any of that.

I'm a self-absorbed emotional exhibitionist, but you won't find too much of that here. Well, okay, aside from weblogs being mainly designed for navel-gazing and the fact that the webcam is pointed at ME! ME! ME! The truth is, I save my best material for real life. Deal with it.

I was born in upstate New York, near Albany, and lived there until 1993, when I moved to Manhattan to attend Cooper Union. I studied homework evasion, disastrous relationships, drama (both sanctioned, as in, I acted with others in an organized fashion, and unsanctioned, as in, "oh, woe is me..."), garbage picking, NYC tourism, oh, and Mechanical Engineering.

After college I moved to Plainsboro, NJ, otherwise known as Plainsboring, to work for a medical device company in their Engineering group, doing product design and general troubleshooting. It was truly an enriching and rewarding job, but I can't say I'm sorry I jumped ship as the waters were beginning to flood the gunwhales. I left some good friends behind, but it was truly time to progress.

So, I'm a transplanted child of the suburbs, currently living in The Bronx, after finally having escaped the vicious grasp of New Jersey. I love it here (or should I say HEE-uh), but Marc is a consultant and so far we have always been "about two months away" from moving somewhere else so he can continue working to support my lifestyle of domestic engineering:
a) computing
b) clothes-shopping
c) crafty endeavors
d) yoga
e) all of the above, and sometimes some errands, housework, and plotting ways to make money from home so that I'll never have to go back to work.

I'm also trying to write a novel, so far not very effectively.

If you know me in the live-action, hugging/smacking/drooling world, and you stumbled upon me here, feel free to poke around. If you don't know me, feel free to poke around anyway. Maybe even drop me a line to say hi sometime. It's a solitary lifestyle... I live for e-mail.

Posted at 5:47 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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