a hard know to think.

30 Aug 2002

All right, here's the deal.

The authorities are on to us. We're going to have to disappear for a while. We'll be back on Sept. 15th, just in time for The Sopranos' season premiere. Even the man can't keep the family down.

But don't fret! I'm leaving plenty of stuff for you to check out:

1. Some new weblogs I've been reading recently.
My friend Joe is always willing to put his ass on the line for a cause. He once called me his intellectual nemesis, so, you know, if you hate what I have to say, chances are you'll love him. Don't get too close, though. He sweats.
Marc's truth page, the weblog that eats itself for dinner. Go check it out, and then post a truth yourself. Remember, the people have the power. Or so I hear. This is not a guaranteed truth.
Mark and Marjorie are just looking for work somewhere other than here. Do you know someone in a foreign land that could hook them up, yo? Go let them know.
As always, I think everyone I link over there (<---) has something worth reading, so if the boredom is totally overcoming you, that's a good place to start.

2. Pictures aplenty! Karen gave us a huge memory card as a wedding gift, and lest she think it's been collecting dust, we've finally gotten around to posting a big ol' bunch of stuff on our brand new webpage, punkly.com. Check out our honeymoon! Or Erik's going-away party! Or our trip to Penn State! Or our big trip to New Mexico!

Truth be told, we're off to my parents' house for the weekend, and then Marc's got a couple of weeks' worth of work in Puerto Rico. I'll be accompanying him so I can snooze on the beach and catch up on some reading. I'm pretty sure there will be no internet access anywhere near us anytime soon, so I'm taking a mini-hiatus, self-imposed. When we return, this weblog will be relocating, and more pictures will surely follow. Happy Labor Day, everybody! See you in mid-September!

Posted at 7:13 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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