a hard know to think.

24 Sep 2002

most erotic scene in a teen dramedy.

When we watched Say Anything on DVD last weekend, Marc commented that the scene where Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack) is teaching Diane Court (Ione Skye) to drive stick, and they decide to switch places, and instead of getting out of the car, they climb over each other in the middle, was the most erotic scene he had ever seen. In the Director's commentary (with Director Cameron Crowe joined by Cusack and Skye), Skye comments that if the two actors hadn't been dating other people (Cusack had supposedly just "fallen in love," I'm guessing maybe with Lili Taylor??, and Skye was solidly in with Anthony Kiedis at the time), that would have been the night that they'd have gone home together.

Of course, throughout the rest of the commentary, as Crowe and Cusack talk about how brilliant they are, Skye spends most of the time gasping and exclaiming, "Uh! That is so great!" Once in a while, and I think you can imagine the Cusackian glances they're giving her, one or the other of the men throws in a, "and there's the beautiful Ione again..."

Here's a great little snippet of conversation where they try to engage her...
CC: How did you prepare for this, Ione?
IS: Just... I really, you know, I just... isolated, you know, I... uh... I just, you know, I really just, uh... focused. I mean, I knew, this was it, this was the big...
She is then, mercifully, cut off.

Posted at 4:36 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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