a hard know to think.

10 Oct 2002


2 excerpts from an old journal, inspired by Sarah B.:

1-31-91 Moral question:
Now that I'm mad at S., should I ask her for the $3.00 that she has owed to me for 3 months?
"Excuse me, S., woud you bring in the $3.00 that you owe me because after this, I only plan to speak to you in dire emergencies, like, if the school was burning down and you were trapped inside, and even then, I'm not sure I'd help you because that would be like seeing you rot in hell, which is exactly what would fulfill my fantasies, but anyway, I wouldn't want you to forget or anything, because then it would be like I was giving you money, which would really be awful." (pause for breath.) "By the way, I'd like it soon, because I might want to do something with my real friends."

1-15-91 In an hour and a half:
President George Bush is going to declare war upon Iraq.

Posted at 5:16 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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