a hard know to think.

16 Oct 2002

the truth is out there.

I can finally stop being all playful and coy, and just put it out there: We are moving to Groton, Connecticut.

Marc's leaving his consulting company, and becoming an independent consultant. He's been working for his old boss for more than 5 years, so we wanted to make sure he didn't find out from anyone other than Marc. That's why I haven't been able to post about it, just in case. The link to our photos floats around (they are mostly here) and he could potentially (if he was really nosy) have wandered his way over here.

We'll be leaving New York, sadly, around November 15th. We applied for an apartment in Groton last weekend, and we should know this week if we've got it. It's the kind of apartment I've lived in several times over the last almost-ten years or so, and the kind of apartment that I always say I'll never live in again. But this time, it's in a place where we can actually afford to have more than just the teeniest-weeniest ground-floor hovel. And it's just for a year, after which we plan to buy something, somewhere, maybe, if we like it there. Otherwise we'll pack it up and move on again.

Will I work there? Who knows. Options include a nuclear submarine plant (no thanks), a pharmaceutical plant (can you say carpool?), and some other equally possible but not likely scenarios. I plan to look, but I don't know what I'll do. Design jobs will be hard to come by, I think. I'm considering getting certified to teach Math or Science (or maybe just Pre-K). Connecticut has a program where you can obtain your certification without getting a Master's degree, if you've already worked.

I'm not making it sound too great, but the truth is, I'm really excited about going. It will be nice to spread out in our gigantic apartment, see stars, hang around with suburbanites, and get that feeling of release that comes from moving out of New York City. I love that feeling, even though I love living here. I also love that the last time Marc and I shopped for an apartment together, we were defying our parents and looking for the cheapest two-bedroom in the East Village. This time, instead of accomodating our roommate Andrew in the spare room, we'll be housing visiting parents... take that!

Posted at 3:51 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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