a hard know to think.

25 Oct 2002

47 kids later.

I don't know if you noticed, but Halloween is coming up pretty soon. Here in New York, Halloween has a different name, and that name is October. The freaks have got their, um, freak on, and have been parading around for weeks. Maybe this contributes to the excitement in my classes, I don't know. Maybe it's the way that their parents have been promising them an unlimited supply of candy for just one day. Whatever is driving these children to harbor such manic urgency about the upcoming holiday, I want to get me some.

I can't mention anything remotely Halloweeny (bats, witches, ghosts, the color orange...) without several children screaming back at me. These are good kids, normally quiet and reserved, patient, sharing, and kind. When it comes to Halloween, however, they are like rampaging elephants in a crystal factory. Next Wednesday and Thursday at the school are not going to be pretty.

I worked three "full" days this week, and I am exhausted.

But not too tired to take a moment to wish Nicholas a happy birthday. I would like to chime in with Marc here and say that Nick is a great guy. An all-around super brother-in-law. He really does have everything. He's a successful architect, a social butterfly, and he's funny like a John Cusack movie. And, ladies, batten the hatches, he's single! If you're in the New York area and you're interested in meeting this handsome bachelor, just let me (or Marc) know. You must be stunning, confident, and a laugh riot. And since I know most of my readers fit these three categories, I figured this was a good place to advertise.

Posted at 3:47 PM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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