a hard know to think.

16 Dec 2002


In addition to finishing my Christmas holiday shopping, baking cookies, making candy, making little candy-filled ornament thingies, writing Christmas holiday cards, and generally getting it on with the festive moodiness this week, I'll be guest-hosting for a few days over at Ismat's site, The Text Obscured, along with he of the flippy hair, the inimitable Jason Royal and the object of my most sincere girl-on-girl crush to-date, Miss Sarah B.

Can you guess what I'm most excited about taking care of this week?

Ismat's off to Dubai and the motherland (which is where we've been telling the in-laws we're headed for the holidays, and which is, I'm pretty sure, somewhere far away and near Djibouti) and trusts the three of us to cover for her while she's gone. For a little while I thought it was just going to be me, and you know how often I'm able to come up with something entertaining to say here (still waiting, huh?), so you can see why I would be a little worried. Then I found out it was going to be this wacky houseparty with the two internet lovebirds and I suddenly felt much, much better.

Posted at 9:47 AM in category Old (this category is huge!)


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